Amin Ramjee's Article in Marketing
Marketing Your Company With Promotional Ceramic Mugs
When you think of ceramic mugs, you think of coffee. When you think of promotion, you think of newspaper ads and commercials. Do you think of both in the same sentence? How can promotion and ceramic mugs go together in a viable way? Quite easily in fact! All it takes is some promotional ceramic mugs.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Laser Engraved Key Chains Are Inexpensive Promotional Products But Are Very Elegant
When you want to promote your company to customers, one of the best ways to do this is with promotional products. Promotional products are widespread as a way of promoting a company because they are so effective and are usually quite inexpensive for a company. Finding the right promotional product can be difficult, but you can't go wrong with laser-engraved key chains. These key chains are not only inexpensive, they are quite elegant.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Imprinting Ideas With Imprinted Ceramic Mugs
Want to subconsciously get your customers, and their friends and family to buy from you? Want to get them thinking about your logo and imprinting it in their brain for years at a very low cost? Well, no we aren't talking about putting ideas in their head with subliminal television. What we are talking about is rewarding your customers for their business, and creating more business for yourself, through promotional items.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Giving Customers What They Want With Customized Martini Glasses
Having a loyal customer is a great way to make your business viable. The trick is getting loyal customers and that is where customized martini glasses come in.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Enjoying Coffee in Ceramic Coffee Mugs
By giving away ceramic coffee mugs to your customers, you are marketing yourself in a way that is cheaper and more effective than newspaper advertising or advertising yourself on television and the radio. You may not reach as many customers but it costs you less to reach the customers you do and you get a longer shelf life with the coffee mug marketing as well.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Effective and Cheap - Customized Ceramic Mugs For Business
What you can do is provide your customers with something they will like and appreciate; customized ceramic mugs. These mugs can be a part of any small business marketing plan because they are cheap and effective.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
Celebrating With Martini Glasses As Party Favors
Depending on the party you are having, one great idea is martini glasses for party favors. Martini favors are a great gift for adult birthdays, bridal showers and even baby showers. The reason is that they are such a unique glass and they can be imprinted with the date of the occasion and the guest's name. Martini glasses for party favors are inexpensive, effective and your guests will appreciate them.
Posted on Jul-09-2009
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